Monday, March 31, 2008

Learning Wikis

The Wikis I viewed from Learning 2.0 were interesting in that they covered a variety of sites/topics and yet the same kind of application could be used. Ain't technology wonderful.
Wikis in the library system can be used in a miltitude of ways form Local History (such as Montana History) through to Popular Titles, Reading and Book Clubs for adults and children as well as titles and craft achivities for Story Time goers

Sand dune Dreaming

Sand dune Dreaming
Originally uploaded by when2008
Welcome to my Beach

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Something New!

What I learned today about RSS'S..thats a lot of ssssss's....And what did I like about it.
Well the amount of time saved has to be a's too short to be look, look, looking!
I liked the sites that reflected my interests ie gardening, images and library issues.
This technology is valuable for library work in respect of different ares of the library ie childrens areas, current news items and geneology work.
Didn't have much time to search Rss's as we are restricted in the time spent on this learning course but what I did find was great...Especially loved the Powerhouse Museum "Picture of the Day"

Thursday, March 6, 2008